Weekend post (poetry)

Poetry, something that cant be defined. Its more like a highway for feelings. An opportunity for expressing one self. I'm not really a poetry freak. I still find it enjoyable and fun to read. One poem that I really enjoy to read is a Dream Deferred by Langston Hughes.

What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up
Like a raisin in the sun?

Or fester like a sore--
And then run?

Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?

Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.

Or does it explode?

This poem really means a lot to me. It really has a meaning that will stay with me forever. It talks about you need to really hold on to your future unless it will leave you. I believe I have a bright future, thats why this means the way it do.

For more information on Langston Hughes.