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Interesting Places to Explore
CommunityWalk Map - A tour of Hawaii
I created this presentation to inform my viewers on interesting places they might consider to explore. While viewing my presentation you will be informed on vast topics, including population, culture, and many more about these states. ENJOY!!
Posted by dhaking 0 comments
The Apollo Theater
Good day everyone, Nyla and I have created a informational presentation on the Apollo Theater. Were both inspired by the idea of African American achievements. In today's society children around our age do not appreciate African American history. We both greatly appreciate our ancestry and we did our best to share it with the universe. Thank you expressing your interest in African American history. This is one of the many steps for the advancement of colored people.
Posted by dhaking 0 comments
Weekend Post ( There is a place by Sakiel Harrison)

There is a place that I call my home
lovely like Italy and peaceful as Rome
There is a place like no other
It keeps me far from worries and close to my mother
There is a place that smells so sweet
That clears my mind and fill with heat
It makes me smart and sometimes sad
This is a place that also makes me mad
I love this place
And this place loves me
I'll miss you one day
At college when I have my on place to stay
Posted by dhaking 0 comments
Video of the week
I was bored and decided to go on this website I heard from my sister. I glanced at the title of this video and found it very interesting so I decided to watch it. This was so extremely funny, you need to watch this.
Posted by dhaking 0 comments
Weekend Post ( Bar Mitzvah)
In society, there are many cultures that has different rites of passage ceremonies that boys and girls go through in order to become a successful man and women. The rites of passage enables that particular person to reshape and reform their mind, body, and spirit. One of the most famous rites of passage ceremony is the Bar Mitzvah. When researching the Jewish you find out that boys go though their rites of passage at the age of 13, and girl 12. The ceremony includes reading of the Torah, giving money, chanting ancient charms, and eating and drinking. The Bar Mitzvah is a great ceremony.
Click for more information
Posted by dhaking 0 comments
Weekend post (poetry)
Poetry, something that cant be defined. Its more like a highway for feelings. An opportunity for expressing one self. I'm not really a poetry freak. I still find it enjoyable and fun to read. One poem that I really enjoy to read is a Dream Deferred by Langston Hughes.
What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
Like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?
This poem really means a lot to me. It really has a meaning that will stay with me forever. It talks about you need to really hold on to your future unless it will leave you. I believe I have a bright future, thats why this means the way it do.
For more information on Langston Hughes.
Posted by dhaking 0 comments
Weekend Post (Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief)
Wow! I really enjoyed this movie. I found it to be creative, interesting, and thrilling at the same time. Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief was directed by Chris Columbus and released on February 12, 2010. This movie was about a high school student who goes through many problems and is suffering from a disease. H e then finds out that his father is an Olympian God, the god of the sea. His best friend who he discovers is half man half goat is his protector. Percy Jackson now has to save the world and his mother by retrieving the lighting rod to Zeus. This relates to mythology because the movie shows us the connection between the Olympian gods and the human race The Movie talks about Greek gods like Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Athena, and Persephone.
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief official website
Posted by dhaking 0 comments
I have recently seen the Movie Avatar, and it is by far one of the most brilliant movie I have ever seen. Avatar is a 2009 science fiction movie written and directed by the famous James Cameron. Characters Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver, Michelle Rodriguez and Stephen Lang all stared in this awsome film. According to my resources,"The film is set in the year 2154. Na'vi bodies used by several human characters to interact with the natives of Pandora." I loved this film. Words cannot describe the brilliance of the fil. It was all happy and sad at the same time. No one moment of the film was I bored or readey to go. Yes the movie was long but it doesnt matter because of the content of the film. When i was watching Avatar it was like I stepped into a next world. A world full of creatures and spirtuallity. I kind say this enough, I loved this film. I will reccomend this film to anyone. You dont have to be a sci-fi fand to love this film. Its appropiate for all viewrs.
avatar official website
Posted by dhaking 0 comments
Banneker Scholar Flares After Lost !
An emotional melee ensued at the conclusion of Midwood’s victory over Benjamin Banneker, ending in enraged Warriors guard Kaylah Gholson to be restrained Thursday night.
Following the host and sixth-seeded Hornets' 60-48 win in a PSAL Class AA girls basketball second-round game, the senior chased after and was yelling at the Midwood scoreboard operator in front of the Banneker bench as the teams starting shaking hands.
The incident stemmed from a fourth-quarter dispute over the score between Banneker guard Alexcia Barnes, the scoreboard operator and Gholson’s mother sitting in the stands, sources told The Post. The scoreboard operator told The Post that Gholson then also questioned a perceived 2-point discrepancy in the score, even though it was accurate.
Damion ReidBanneker senior Kaylah Gholson let her emotions get the best of her following a loss to Midwood.
Damion Reid
Banneker senior Kaylah Gholson let her emotions get the best of her following a loss to Midwood.
Gholson reacted after the game was also fueled by a comment the scoreboard operator made about her mother, sources said. The player's mother came across the court after the game as her daughter lost her cool. Gholson tried to charge through a crowd of players, coaches and fans after the scoreboard operator, but was eventually grabbed before anything more could occur.
Northeastern-bound Midwood forward Jewel Tunstull was knocked down trying to quell the situation. Gholson was held on the opposite side of the gym, still fuming. After a few chaotic minutes, school safety officers cleared both teams out of the gym separately and then the fans. It appeared no punches were thrown.
“It’s a tough loss,” said Banneker coach Moreno Fernandez, who believed the incident started due to comments from a fan. “They are seniors. Emotions ran high and unfortunately it came down to this. I wish it didn’t.”
The Midwood players said they could see the Warriors' frustration mounting in the fourth quarter. The Hornets, sparked by a Francess Henry 3-pointer, went on an 11-0 run to open up what had been a tight game throughout. Henry said she could see Banneker was “taking things personally” down the stretch. Forward Beranda Felder mentioned plenty of pushing and jersey tugging and the Warriors were called for an intentional foul when Tunstull was pushed along the sidelines with 1:10 left in the game. Banneker lost 51-50 in a regular-season game on Feb. 8 at Midwood.
“When they seen the score was getting too far, they did whatever they could to get in our heads, whether it may be talking and pushing, hoping that we would retaliate, but that’s not what Midwood basketball is about,” Henry said.
The majority of the Midwood players sat on their bench has the ruckus occurred. Felder said the team knew the incident and the in game frustration wasn’t personal since many of the players are friends off the court and was happy that her team was safe and healthy. Hornets coach Artie LaGreca was pleased that it was quickly settled and Fernandez doesn’t see the incident causing a problem in the future with six seniors on his squad.
“We don’t have anything against Midwood,” Fernandez said. “These girls are graduating so I don’t think that is going to carry over into next year.”
Read more:
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An Over Dramatic Scene at Monessen High School
For the video of a tasered student present at the event clock here at
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Weekend Post (Going Bovien)
I'm currently reading a novel called Going Bovine. The novel is about a sixteen year old boy name Cameron who wats to get through high school. He recieves bad news saying, he is sick and he is going to die. A girl name Dulcie tell him there is a cure. So Cam sets of on a road trip through America on a search for the cure. I think Libba Bray the outhor, has a gift. Even thoughI jus began reading it, I enjoy her vocabulary ideas, and sense of humor. She really brings each and every character to life. She is really descriptive with everything she does. Hopefully, I will continue reading this 480 page book. I promise you I will post blogs gradually as I read this book.
Posted by dhaking 0 comments
Weekend Post (Stressed Out Teens)
All over American, teens has been suffering with a silently disease that is waiting to be diagnosed. STRESS, has been affecting the lives of many teen individuals since the dawn of time. I believe that students are even more stressed out in the 21 century. The number one reason why teens are stressed out is school. As much how great school is, it really takes a toll on you. I currently attend Benjamin Banneker Academy and, even though its a great school it can be stressful. Teens are also stressed out because of their personal and social life. During these ages all we think about is who has the better girls, or boys, clothes, and houses. How is better in sports, or math. We always have to worry about what society thinks of us. My advice is to not take certain things to seriously. Distance yourself from the people that makes you fell intimidating. DON'T DO DRUGS, but talk to someone to keep yourself sane. We will overcome this disease.
Posted by dhaking 0 comments
Global Warming and Climate Change
Please be advised, that the world is suffering from Global Warming and Climate change. This is a serious issue and is affecting the world dramatically. Global warming is Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century and its projected continuation. Many people are not sure how global warming is affecting them. My opinion on global warming is I believe it is a serious issue. The solutions for global warming is going green. Please help stop this issue.
Posted by dhaking 0 comments
According to many resources, racism is the belief that characteristics and abilities can be attributed to people simply on the basis of their race and that some racial groups are superior to others. Even though we are in 2010, 60 years from the civil rights movement we are still suffering from racism in America. I strongly disagree with racism. As an African American I have experienced racism first handed. It affects people emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Please, do not contribute to racism.
Posted by dhaking 0 comments
Weekend Post (The Hati catastrophe )
I feel so sad for the people of Haiti. I understand that nearly 50,000 people are feared dead. I hope all the world's leader come together and think of an effective plan to rebuilt and reconstruct Haiti. I encourage all men and women of the United States population to donate generously to funds that are available to them. We as Americans need to come together and do the best we can do in order to restore peace to Haiti
Posted by dhaking 0 comments